September 21, 2015/in Geothermal Energy /by jeng

Usually when something seems too good to be true, it is. Ice cream that never melts? A newborn baby that sleeps through the night? That Nigerian prince who wants to send you one million dollars? Nope, nope, and nope.

There is, however, one thing that does lives up to the hype—geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is created from the natural heat of the earth. It’s also efficient, affordable, and environmentally friendly.  Because it sounds too good to be true, there are plenty of myths associated with it, which is a shame—especially if those myths keep people from going geothermal. That’s why today, we’re finally setting the record straight.

Myth #1: Geothermal energy systems are too expensive.

While it’s true that the upfront costs of installing a geothermal system might seem steep, that’s only because you’re looking at the short term picture. Over the years, a geothermal energy system will actually save you anywhere from 30% to 70% on your monthly utility bill and you might also be eligible to receive a tax break. Those savings will quickly add up!

Myth #2: Geothermal energy is only for heat. What about my AC?

During the winter, geothermal energy systems draw heat from the earth—this is absolutely true. Also true is that during the summer, that same system can draw heat from your home and transfer it to the ground, using the earth as a heat sink. This keeps your house comfortable, no matter how hot or cold it gets outside.

Myth #3: Geothermal energy systems are too noisy.

Some people confuse geothermal energy systems with generators, which are loud, noisy, and obtrusive—and nothing like geothermal energy systems! In reality, our systems run very quietly and are mostly underground. The odds are high that you and your neighbors won’t even notice they’re there.

Myth #4: Geothermal energy systems require too much maintenance.

Because our systems are underground, they’re protected from the daily wear and tear of the elements, which means their life expectancy is over 200 years. Ground loops also come with a 25-year warranty for ground loops, and water source heat pumps regularly last for over 30 years. Compared to the 8-10 years coastal air-to-air traditional systems last, you’re looking at a long and happy life! Plus, when your system does need maintenance, our installers are IGSHPA certified and can get the job done quickly and easily.

Myth #5: My house is too old for a geothermal energy system.

It doesn’t matter if your home was built five years ago or five decades ago—geothermal energy is always a great choice. After all, age is relative, especially when it comes to benefits such as a smaller carbon footprint, economic savings, and increased property value.

Now that you know geothermal energy really is as great as it sounds, you probably want to install it ASAP. If you’re ready to go geothermal, contact Applied Resource Management today—we have the knowledge, skills, and expertise to get you going. As for that Nigerian prince, well, you’re on your own.